OrbitKit uses Turborepo to run commands across apps & packages in the monorepo, you can also use pnpm --filter commands to do the same without dependant tasks running or caching.


pnpm turbo dev

The dev command starts up all of the apps in the monorepo in development mode and also starts up the watch mode on the packages that need bundling.

The dev command also applies Drizzle ORM schema migrations to the database, it will generate any missing migrations and apply them to the database.

You can start up for example only the web application by using pnpm turbo dev --filter=web.


pnpm turbo build

The build command builds all of the apps in the monorepo and also builds the packages that need bundling.

You can build for example only the web application by using pnpm turbo build --filter=web.


pnpm turbo start

The start command starts up all of the apps in the monorepo in production mode. This is done after building all of the apps & packages automatically via turborepo dependant tasks, so you don’t need to build before you run the start command.


pnpm turbo lint

The lint command runs ESLint on all of the apps & packages in the monorepo.


pnpm turbo typecheck

The typecheck command runs TypeScript type checking on all of the apps & packages in the monorepo.


pnpm turbo storybook

The storybook command starts up the ui package storybook instance in dev mode.


pnpm turbo build-storybook

The build-storybook command builds the ui package storybook application, you will find the output in a storybook-static in the packages/ui directory.


pnpm turbo db:generate

The db:generate command will generate new schema migration files when necessary (based on the typescript schema files in packages/db/src/schema directory).


pnpm turbo db:migrate

The db:migrate command will apply all of the schema migrations to the database.

Database Commands

OrbitKit supports all of DrizzleKit’s commands which are all configured for you in the packages/db/package.json file.

You can invoke these commands using pnpm, for example to check for collisions and inconsistencies between your database and the schema, you can run pnpm --filter db db:check.